This is me Drunk in 1960.
Then I figured out how to straighten my face a little and I fit the glasses a little better.

I believe this was 1962. That hair was some pretty intricate sh*t. Not sure what I was thinking with the ascot scarfie scarf.

Pretty sure this was late 50s early 60s. Maybe the overzealous chair of some club only 5 people belonged to........Whoa. Way off, this one was 1970.

Ahhhhhh.......the bicentennial. This was my Farrah Phase. I worked so hard to get that top bang part to feather just right.

This was 1984. This totally looks like one of my roommates from freshman year in college for reals. Even though in 1984, I was only 14.

Ah. 1988. The year I really graduated. This, sadly, is pretty spot on.

Wow. I mean......wow. That is a lot of time I would never get back. That must have been a good 20 minutes with the can of hairspray and blowdryer. 1994, folks.

1996. This actual was palatable if you minus the earrings and Denim sleeveless.
And the hair.

This is really me as of two days ago.
This was so much fun. It is this website that you can upload your picture and then it gets put into different year's yearbook pictures. Jump into the Way Back Machine and knock yourselves out, my lovelies.
The website is here (thanks to The Daily Rant...check her out!)
1 comment:
Oh.my.god. I haven't laughed this hard in quite a while. Really, ask Ali if you can see her senior picture. Because I think that's where the 1994 hair came from. Priceless. Good luck at school tomorrow!
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