Tuesday, August 26, 2008

And it begins.

Back to school folks.

I got just about zero done today.  So, there's that.  Helping out with a training, mentoring a brand new teacher, catching up with teacher friends from over the summer.  I sometimes feel like it is a high school reunion and somewhat shallow.  

Quick; summarize the past 2.5 months in 4 minutes.  I don't think other teachers really care if my summer was fun filled and action packed..or not.  You know the dynamic: You ask someone how they are in passing....say in the hall/street/office and you just want them to respond with a"Good."  "Fine."...whatever dictates that you can keep moving and not feel the need to sit down and process it all or whatever.  

I am hoping to get more done tomorrow and feel a bit more productive.  Realistically, I always get done what I need to absolutely get done by when I need it done.  

I am maybe...maybe not...mourning the passing of the beloved summer.  We teachers get few benefits that are true benefits.  Summers off is sometimes misleading as many of us continue our education to keep our licensure, or take a second job, or spend much needed time with kids and family.  Some just need to be away from students to re-energize.  They can occasionally be monsters and the end of the year is blessed relief.

Or maybe I just need a nap.