A huge belly would indicate a:
While I have a belly, it is not Buddha-esque. Nor am I pregnant. I mean, I have me some gutty-guttness, but that is not where I am carrying the extra poundage.
Those of you that know me, will agree I have been known to be called big chested (as well as big headed) and certainly they are large-ish. Thusly, the following letter might suffice as an analogy:
The most obvious comparison would be the following if I were referring to weight issues and largeishness:
However, I believe that I have a small, slight indentation at my "waist".

We were measuring and my hips were 44". (Yikes.)
My chest, at the largest point was 44". (Not shocking, but not what I would like.)
My waist we measured at my belly button (I was so voting for a little bit farther north where there is an indentation, but I looked it up on the interweb and concensus is that the "waist" is measured at the belly button or just slightly below the button...which for our intents and purposes is pretty much the same measurement on me....). Anyhow, my waist measured at 43.5". (SERIOUSLY?!?!?!?!?)
I am reasonably certain we could call it an even 44". Therefore, if we were to take the raw measurements, I have the body of the letter:

I have a chest, but no ass. I tend to gain weight all over. I am not an "apple" nor am I a "pear" shaped body. I am, taking my 44" measurements, the letter I. If we could push my body parts around like Jenga pieces, while keeping their integrity, they would pretty much all line up.......cylinder-like. Like an "I".
Yes! I find that hilarious and oddly motivating.
Think about it. What letter would you be?

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