Monday, September 1, 2008

Tomorrow, Tomorrow, I Blank Ya, Tomorrow.....

School starts tomorrow. The song from "Annie" popped into my head as I was typing the title and I couldn't really bring myself to type love, nor could I be the opposite of love about tomorrow.

I don't love the fact that my summer is officially over at 5:30 am Tuesday morn, but I am excited to start school. Maybe not excited as in jumpin' up and down and clapping my hand excited, but I do still have the getting back into school mode/frame of mind going on. There are things that I like/love about teaching still. Therefore, there are things that I can still get all amped up about at the beginning of the year.

I also know that I will not be teaching in high school for my whole career. I just know that I will hit a point that I am done. I almost was there last August. I could not get ramped up; in fact, I was pretty sourpuss-y until probably late November about teaching. I am working on an exit strategy within the next five or so years, just in case. Maybe I won't be ready in five, but it doesn't hurt to plan.

A wise friend once said: "Prior Planning Prevents Problems." Actually, I must give credit to her dad, but the kernel of wisdom rings true. Not that I really adhere to the logic for most of my daily is pretty much the opposite of Raccoon Baby Syndrome.

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