I had strayed from walking when my dad went into the hospital and then it was drama-crisis mode for a while and I told myself I didn't have time. Would I rather be at the hospital or would I rather be walking? Hmmm. If I am honest, and we are all about honesty here, my peeps, I could have done both. Tell me if this sounds familiar:
I really should _______________ before I walk. Oh, and_____________, that really needs to be finished. What am I going to make for dinner? I think I need to go to the store for the ingredients. If I walk before I go to the store, then I will be ravenous at the store and we all know that hunger and grocery shopping don't mix unless you want a meltdown from hunger-based crabbiness or you want a $500.00 grocery bill ($25 worth of chocolate to be eaten in car on way home). So I should probably eat something snacky and then go shopping, then make dinner but by then it will be too dark out. And, even though I sport the kickin' reflector-esque shoes for the fuller footed gal, it really isn't safe to walk when it is dark out. I could carry a flashlight, but I don't know where one is and I would look pretty foolish trying to exercise and carry a candle so that it doesn't extinguish, plus I am no longer to be trusted around fire (to be a later post).
That is about par for the course for moi. That's it. Changes on the horizon last week.
I'm back.
I always want to sing a few bars of "Back in Black" but that is the only part I know. Which is really lame. Not that I am a huge AC/DC fan by any stretch of the ee-madge, but I like to have a certain veritas to what I quote and what I co-opt.
Then, I always mix up the little girl in Poltergeist, Carol Anne, when she is looking at the snow on the TV screen and turns around and says: "They're heeeeeeeeeeeeeereeeeeeeee." All creepy like.

Except I keep wanting to say: "They're baaaaaaaaaaaaaack."

Christ. I need a drink.
1 comment:
Yea! So glad to see your post in my reader!!! It's almost 5pm. I think I need a drink, too.
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