Dear KMart,
I guess my question that I feel I am obliged to ask is: "Really??? Two days after Halloween?"
A radio commercial advertising their Layaway plan for the holiday season. COME ON!! I already have issues with the advertising industry and back to school stuff the day after the 4th of July (That might be an exaggeration....it may be a pooch too close to home, ya know? I'll give you that.) But, seriously, it is really necessary to begin holiday shopping two months ahead of the season?
I realize that it is survival of the fittest in these tough economic times and you feel you must do what it needed, eat or be eaten, whatever the saying is that was bandied about in a strategy meeting somewhere in KMarty land. Should you really be encouraging more credit spending? Haven't Americans proven that they can't handle the credit?
I am sorry to say that I wasn't really going to shop at KMart for holiday needs, but if I had considered it, this commercial would actually have the opposite effect from what I presume you desire. I would purposely NOT shop your aisles as a result of this tactic. I know that this stand, this rebellion, this consumer flounce of my own will have no tangible effect upon your establishment. There will be umpteen and a half other shoppers who will fill that void that might have been moi.
But I feel better having said it. I don't even want to know if you are playing holiday music in your stores already.
Crabby McCrabberson
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