Tuesday, July 17, 2012

We Need to Discuss Something. And That Something is Bathrooms.

We have been doing a fair amount of bussing and bus stops since we left Istanbul. Which begs the question: "How are the bathrooms?"

I will say this: Comparatively, since the previous times I have been here, they HAVE changed a bit. There are more western style toilets as an option.

Don't get be wrong, the squat toilets are still the going model in more long distance highway gas stations or stops. And, really, my quads don't have a problem with this style.

But everyplace we have stopped, there has been at least one stall in the women's restroom that is a western toilet. That is a big change from before----you used the squat because otherwise you didn't go. I feel like I just threw down the "When I was your age, we didn't have 'blank' and we made do..."

The western ones always has a long line from our group waiting for it. I am glad the squat toilets are not unfamiliar...a couple trips to Turkey in the past twenty years and two years in Bulgaria will cure any hesitancy about this practice.

The pictures below are a western toilet in the restaurant yesterday for lunch and then a Turkish toilet in the same restaurant.

What is concerning is the sign I saw today in the Silk Market in Bursa. I am confused by the need for such a sign. It was in the stall I used that had a western toilet. It begs a couple questions----almost immediately:

1). Why can't you vomit in these toilets?

2). Lower left, bottom row: WHAT?!? When has fishing ever....EVER.....been a possibility...or an option, for that matter???


1 comment:

Ali said...

Okay, you HAVE to blow up that photo and frame it in your bathroom. And I'd like a copy, too, please.