Saturday, April 7, 2012


This is today.  Dreary. Chilly. Cocoony.
It makes you want to put on some comfy clothes that may or may not have seen better aren't going out in this, so what?
After a week off for Spring Break, the weather matches my mood.
Not in a Dreary Chilly way....more in a contented, relaxed, at peace sort of vibe.
It makes you want to do putter-y-time-consuming-but-low-overall-maintenance type deals.
Like make the Wee One's food for the week.
Or....I dunno....not do dishes right away.
Or do naughty things disguised as healthy things.
Granola?  Good for you.
All the granola? Not.
This is seriously that good of a granola. I love it so.
It does not always return the sentiment.
The Wee One might have the right idea for today.
Enjoy your day!

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