The huge mounds of snow that were dumped upon us had almost disappeared, thanks to an early February thaw. Muddy yards, brown lawns, dirty cars, all the suffering we went through a couple weeks ago....poof. We got maybe 5 or so inches of fresh snow last night. Crap.

I will reluctantly admit that I did enjoy the clean slate feeling. Cleaning things up around here with a new blanket of clean, white, sparkly snow. The Raccoon Baby in me can't fight the Syndrome. I am easily distracted, Mother Nature. Yet, now we have to go through it all again; the melting, the mud, the brown, the dirt. Eh. It is a part of the cycle, yes. And realistically, you have to be a total meth head to think that winter in Minnesota is over mid-February. Seriously? People laugh at you if you think this is reality.
You do not want the ridicule.
You do, however unrealistic, want THIS.

A little Spring Lovin'.

A little burst of color.

A promise of a tease.

Color, Baby. I miss colors other than brown, gray and white.

I am not sure that I can make it. I lie. I know I can make it and I know it happens every year. The Teasing Thaw. The Sweet-Ass-Pie-We-Made-It-Through-Another-Winter-Yay-Us!!! Feeling.

Don't get me wrong. I like winter. The walk this morning in the fresh powder snow, sunlight glinting on it all sparkly-sparks.

I am craving Spring. Not to the point of the dreaded Fever. But craving it nonetheless.

Tuplis shooting up out of the ground. That might be part of the reason I like them, especially around my birthday.......which means you only have one shopping day left, people. It's tomorrow. I think I like them the most in February when I get some for my birthday and it means spring......Spring......is near. Tulips I can take or leave in April when they are all over the place and everyone is yelling about them. But for my BDs....I'll take Tulips over most other flowers any year of my life.

Even my lunches are craving color.

I am not craving swimsuit season, though. THAT would be crazy talk. And we just don't talk crazy this early in the game around these parts.
1 comment:
This post gave me goosebumps... beautiful. A little haunting, even. Nice work!
(And I promise I won't tell you when the crocuses poke through.)
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