Friday, July 30, 2010

Life List?

I was surfing the interwebs today and came across this post.

I like the idea. Those of you that know me, KNOW that I have lots of ideas, schemes, visions of grandeur. I have a lot of things in my noggin that don't always spill out my mouth---things that I will do or accomplish "someday".

I like the idea of writing them down---why....what a fabulous idea. I love lists. I love organization and perhaps it will help me focus on the stuff that I really want to do and not worry about the stuff that I think I want to do because I think other people will think it is cool that I did it. That is a pretty lame reason for doing something, but I think many people can get sucked into it. I recently had a convo with a good friend about living a more authentic life, being a more authentic me. Christ, it shouldn't be that hard, right?

I haven't shared yet, but so far I have lost 32 pounds. That's pretty awesome. Since April. Again, pretty awesome. I have struggled with this issue my whole life and there is a blog post somewhere in my head forming about it, but that is for a later day. Suffice it to say, I am re-organizing myself in more ways than one.

I am only going to work on this list for 5 minutes......I am curious to see what I come up with.

1. learn how to twirl a baton
2. go a national park
3. make beef bourguignon
4. knit a sweater
5. publish something
6. go to Italy with my husband
7. successfully train a dog to come when called
8. espalier a fruit tree or two
9. connect and use a rain barrel
10. re upholster some sort of furniture
11. go to Scotland with my mother in law
12. grow potatoes

Hmmm....that was harder than I thought! I had lots of things pop into my head that should just go on a regular to do list like "paint the living room". I also had things that popped up that I felt weren't specific enough or quantifiable like "get better at ______". You can always get better at most things, yeah? When do you cross it off your list then?

Five more minutes?

13. See Led Zeppelin should they ever reunite
14. get a pair of custom made shoes
15. go to Montreal
16. learn how to make chocolate
17. build our own house
18. learn how to make ricotta cheese
19. Learn how to make a hard cheese
20. make all Christmas presents one year
21. slow dance with my husband and not try to lead
22. go to Africa
23. sail
24. do the splits
25. take a spur of the moment plane trip to wherever is cheapest one weekend

That one took more than 5 minutes, but I wanted to round off at 25. I am going to keep adding to this. I like it. I like it a lot.

26. learn how to make soap
27. watch an Alfred Hitchcock film
28. go to Napa Valley
29. go to Paris again...with my husband, without 40 high school kids
30. live in Italy with my husband for at least 6 months

I guess I had a few more in there rattlin' 'round.

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