Here is one way to do so: make a list. I think I have blogged about my undying love for lists. This is not one of those lists. I do love lists where I can cross stuff off. Sometimes it is just a one liner cross off. Sometimes, it is an all out black out so that you can't even read what was just completed. I really haven't ever used check-offs. Nor have I used squiggley wavy lines through an item. I must admit to having used color coding for items yet to do and items completed.
In some areas of my world, I am uber organized. Others.....not so much. Spice cabinet? Organized and labeled.

My office desk at school for the first six months after moving to a new office? Still in boxes. Meh.
1. I love when Lionel snores and dream barks.

(Folks, this is a King size bed.)
2. I have lost 32.5 pounds since April as of last Monday.
3. I just got rid of one bag of clothes that were ratty and two bags to sell at the secondhand store.

That was so much wardrobe to fit the new body.
4. I bought a Meyer Lemon Tree and the first lemon is forming with five more blossoms on the way.

5. It has been way easier to lose weight this time around. Like freak-me-out-easier.
6. We have an intricate system of moving colder air around our house. Window unit plus the "Hawaiian Breeze" fan on the first level.

The Breeze may be Hawaiian in nature, but the sound is akin to a jet engine at take off. That sucker is loud.
7. I rarely have reaction to mosquito bites. Which is good in Minnesota.
8. I haven't done anything to prepare for school starting like I thought I would (And that is on my summer to do list....) other than put the school calendar dates into my planner. Oh, I also went to school and GOT the planner. See? I am accomplishing things....
9. I am completely fine with the level of accomplishments in number 8. I am enjoying my summer and nap schedule.
10. Sometimes, I don't recognize myself in the mirror---my face looks thinner. I do a little inner I-am-proud-of-myself-dance when that happens.
11. I am learning how to knit this summer. I feel like I am 72. But I really like it. I am making my second hat right now. We will not be discussing the first hat----felting incident gone wrong. So very wrong.
12. Benchwarmers was a stupid movie, but I cannot control myself at the part where the guy who hates the sun has to go outside to get the girl scout cookies....I am laughing out loud by myself right now. With the Samurai sword and the screaming and the sticking the hand out to test the sun. Who is that guy again? The butterfly guy from Chuck and Larry??
13. Still laughing.
14. I took a mozzarella cheese making class Wednesday. I thought it would be starting from "scratch" and milk. Nope. I feel a little cheated as it was started from mozzarella curds. Essentially, the instructor heated up the curds to melt them together to form a fresh mozzarella ball. I think it should be classified as less "making" and more "reconstituting". Truth in advertising, my friends, truth in advertising.
15. What was the point of calling cards in a social sense? "Hey, I was here."? It seems weird.
16. In the battle of Me v. Spiders? I am losing. I thought I got all the cobwebs last week....month? Turns out not so much. I tell myself: "The house is 115 years old, spiders are going to live in your house with you." (The truth is, I don't necessarily fear spiders....I just have Spider Karma Issues. Like if I kill one, all the Spider Buddies will gang up and come and crawl all over me while I slumber. Someone else in my house doesn't help matters by talking about laying spider eggs in/on me while I sleep....)
17. I made a Plum Crisp last night.

It was pretty good...the plums were ripe.
Ah....more space has been freed in my head. And now, off to walk the beast before it gets Africa Hot and Carribean Humid.