Today was different. They became bolder. More sinister. More......present.
Just before I took the picture, there were four pigeons on the window ledge of our bedroom window. I was sitting on the bed, working on the advisory job work, and I heard them cooing rather loudly. I looked over and there were three. Just looking at me. From the window. Lurking. Menacingly. Stalking almost. I imagined them thinking, "Ah ha. NOW we know where you sleep. Very interesting." I may or may not be extrapolating and exaggerating, but they COULD have been thinking that, who are we to say that they can't have such birdy thoughts??
If you have been paying attention, you realize that I initially mentioned FOUR birds. I, of course, have no digital proof (I think it is all part of their master plan to freak me out)...........but the 4th is the ring leader. He is the one I am worried about. The 4th was hanging off the window screen in an attempt (in my mind) to get inside the house. All flappy with his wings and graspy with his talons......pigeon talons of death....just there. Making his presence and his posse known. Grasping the screen and then flapping his wings as if to fly off with the screen in an effort to return and better peck his way through the window. To me. As I lay sleeping tonight.
I might be imagining this, but you never know. Maybe they heard we were making maple syrup.
1 comment:
I was sad to see that you lost your beloved dog Sophie. I'm so, so sorry. I love my pets also and know when you lose one how badly it hurts. I'm glad she found you all at the end of her life.
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