I had been trying to get a handle on what might be my favorite children's book.....I cannot be forced to say "of all time". There is just no way, my friends. Let's go for random books that pop into my head that I am able to remember from childhood that I loved.
Near the top, for sure, is the classic: "Where the Wild Things Are." How can you not love this? Unless, maybe you were a scaredy cat. That's cool. Embrace it. (wuss.)

Actually, anything by Maurice Sendak. We did the musical version of the Nutshell Library in 5th or 6th grade. I can still remember what's-his-name singing "I don't care!" as Pierre. And "I'm Really Rosy". Ah, good times. Do you know the Nutshell Library? I almost got it for the baby shower.
Always a fan of Harold and the Purple Crayon. I coveted that damn crayon. You lucky bastard, Harold.

I think it was called: Max and the Flying Machine, Except for I can't find the cover picture so that might not be the name. I can distinctly remember the pictures. This kid, whom I had previously thought was named Max, turns out it is anybody's guess. So, this kid decides to build a flying machine and he takes an apple crate and turns it on its side and scavenges all this junk to piece together a machine. And he ends up cruising around flying, but I can't remember if it was for reals or just in his imagination. I really liked it. When I worked at the before/after school care center, they had a copy and I was gonna stickyfingers it and have it "accidentally" appear in my bag to go home and then "forget" to return it. But then, one of the little people took it and didn't put it back in the library and so I couldn't find it. Maybe the Mystery Reader was a Junior Klepto. You never know, do ya?
I never had Goodnight, Moon. I don't get the appeal. Sors.

Those are just a few of mine......what was your fave?
You are spot on about 'Where the wild things are', but please let me convince you about 'Goodnight Moon'. So go buy a copy, and then read it in the half light of the evening (like with a night light on). That's when it comes alive. The words are like a soothing chant but, while you are reading it, the colours of the illustrations slowly change, and it's really magical. Trust me! and Merry Christmas!
I'm with ya' on Goodnight Moon, not sure what all the 'hype' is about - terrible book if you ask me. A great bedtime story though is "Kiss Good Night" by Amy Hest.
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