Wurstmaching. That is a lot of meat that will thus become bratwurst. Ah, the Bratwurst. We have already grilled some of this batch and I must say that the boys did a very excellent job. I have yet to sample the cheddar and jalapeno version. This is loading up the sausage stuffer thingy. I am sure there is some official name, but no clue.

These are the casings for the sausage. Apparently, they must be soaked to make them pliable. Sheep intestines, I do believe.

The meat has to be packed in pretty good to avoid air bubbles in the brats.

Sausage stuffing contraption hooked up to the press that will press down on the meat that is packed into the stuffer that will squooge the meat out into the sausage casing....

But first you have to load the casing onto the sausage stuffer and oil it up so that it slides off easily....entering the sophomoric area (If we don't already have a day pass in sophomore land.)

Those casings are long! There is a finished picture at the end of the post. I was surprised.

Some trouble bubbles that were popped with a sharpish knife.

This apparently took some finesse. The person doing this job has to make sure that the casing doesn't get caught up on the loader tip and at the same time wind the stuffed casing into a coil.

Ta Da! This was one casing...I left before they were completely finished. They had two big tubs to fill up.

This is the same first finished product. After there were a couple coils done and in the tub, but before they were pinched off by twisting the casings into sausage shapes, I had a job. That job was to pop the air bubbles in the casings. I was steadfast. I was focused. I did NOT pay attention to keeping the coils neat and orderly. I was thorough in my bubble investigations. I might or might not have gotten a little yelled at for messing up the coils. They
were pretty.
And now, they are yummy as the finished product.