I have no real reason. "End of the school year" kind of holds water. Does "Spring fever" work? Sure, I guess. But, I am back to check in now........anybody out there?
Here is something for your viewing pleasure....I am not super into this kind of dancing, but this, this I liked watching. I like observing people doing what they love to do and do it well for that reason.
I just want to bite those dimples. Those of you that know me, know that cute babies and sundry cuteness in general make me want to bite. I am not sure why.
I don't think that I would ever
actually bite a child with fatty sausage roll legs or this kid's dimples, but my husband has been known to throw out the precursory warning before seeing potential cuteness, "Now remember...what do we not bite even though they are super cute beyond belief?"
And I am forced to reply in a petulant, somewhat confused-somewhat embarrassed monotone, "Babies and cute kids. We don't bite
And then he says, satisfactorily, "That's right. No biting babies."
And then we go. Is there a name for this? A clinical term? A condition like dry scalp or allergies that I could take a pill for and be a tad more socially functional.....or at least without reminders?
Maybe I shouldn't have stayed away so long...looks what it has led to: random confessions and a overuse of dot, dot, dots.
Name the movie: "Good day, sir.----I said Good Day!"